Russia’s largest social network, Vkontakte, has launched a feature allowing users to upload digital collectibles to the platform. Users of Vkontakte can now display their NFTs and make them into avatars, and account holders will also be able to buy and sell them in the future. This…
Property tokenization refers to the process of creating digital tokens that represent ownership or a financial stake in a real estate asset. These tokens can then be bought and sold on a blockchain, allowing investors to easily buy and sell fractional ownership in a property….
The World Cup is a major football tournament that takes place every four years, attracting huge global audiences. It is one of the most watched and followed sporting events in the world. In recent years, the World Cup has also been a platform for the…
The Important of Smart Contract Audits Smart contracts are an essential part of blockchain technology, providing a secure system for transactions without needing a third-party. These contracts must be audited regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly. A smart contract audit is an evaluation…
Neuralink and the metaverse are two rapidly developing technologies that could have a major impact on our lives in the near future. Elon Musk’s Neuralink, a brain-computer interface (BCI) technology, could revolutionize how we interact with the digital world. The metaverse, on the other hand,…
Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we store, share, and process data. It is secure, immutable, and transparent and has been adopted by major companies as a way to manage data securely. BNB Chain is a public blockchain platform developed by cryptocurrency exchange company Binance….
So, you’ve heard about tokenizing real world assets, but what does that actually mean? In short, tokenization is the process of converting a physical asset, such as a painting or a piece of jewelry, into a digital token. This token can then be traded on…