The concept of real estate has traditionally been primarily concerned with listings and with connecting buyers and sellers. But, blockchain puts forth new ways to trade real estate and can allow trading platforms and online marketplaces to reinforce real estate transactions more comprehensively.

Since way back, the real estate environment contained brokers, lawyers, and banks. Although, blockchain may soon guide to a switch in their roles and participation in real estate transactions.

New platforms can in time presume functions such as listings, payments, and legal documentation. Going without the negotiators will result in buyers and sellers gaining more profit from their money as they save on commissions and fees charged. Additionally, this makes the process much faster as the back-and-forth between these middlemen gets cut.

Thanks to fractional ownership, blockchain also lowers the barriers to real estate investing. Typically, investments would require significant money upfront in order to acquire property. Alternatively, investors with could also pool their money to acquire bigger ticket properties. Through blockchain, investors would simply have to access a trading app to buy and sell even fractions of tokens as they see fit. In addition, fractional ownership would also help them avoid managing the properties themselves such as maintenance and leasing.